Encrypted Communications
are Not Accessible in a Court of Law



(a) In General. Except as otherwise provided by this Act and the amendments made by this Act, it shall be lawful for any person within the United States, and for any United States person in a foreign country, to use, develop, manufacture, sell, distribute, or import any encryption product, regardless of the encryption algorithm selected, encryption key length chosen, existence of key recovery or other plaintext access capability, or implementation or medium used.

(b) Prohibition on Government-Compelled Key Escrow or Key Recovery Encryption.

  1. In general. Except as provided in paragraph (3), no agency of the United States nor any State may require, compel, set standards for, condition any approval on, or condition the receipt of any benefit on, a requirement that a decryption key, access to a decryption key, key recovery information, or other plaintext access capability be
    • (A) given to any other person, including any agency of the United States or a State, or any entity in the private sector; or
    • (B) retained by any person using encryption.
  2. Use of particular products. No agency of the United States may require any person who is not an employee or agent of the United States or a State to use any key recovery or other plaintext access features for communicating or transacting business with any agency of the United States.
  3. Exception. The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply to encryption used by an agency of the United States or a State, or the employees or agents of such an agency, solely for the internal operations and telecommunications systems of the United States or the State.

(c) Use of Encryption for Authentication or Integrity Purposes.

  1. In general. The use, development, manufacture, sale, distribution and import of encryption products, standards, and services for purposes of assuring the confidentiality, authenticity, or integrity or access control of electronic information shall be voluntary and market driven.
  2. Conditions. No agency of the United States or a State shall establish any condition, tie, or link between encryption products, standards, and services used for confidentiality, and those used for authentication, integrity, or access control purposes.

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